Assist Wireless is a wireless company dedicated to providing Lifeline assistance to low-income families, the elderly, and veterans. This means that they will receive government funding by participating in this program. Lifeline-related incentives typically include free monthly plans and, in many cases, a free phone. If you’ve misplaced or broken your Assist Wireless phone, the next step is to replace it. Herein we will cover all the information you need to get an Assist Wireless replacement phone.
Is your Assist Wireless phone broken or stolen? Buying a new one could be a difficult task for you. After all, the device may be a high-priced one, and replacing it may necessitate a deeper dive into your wallet.
It will help if you aim to get a replacement from Assist Wireless to avoid such problems. By replacing your Assist Wireless phone that has been lost or damaged, you will be able to continue using the carrier’s services.
However, the replacement of these phones is not automatic since it is always done per the company’s standards. Many factors will impact whether you will receive a free new phone, from the warranty period to the timescales for reporting the incident.
If you find yourself in this state, keep reading to learn how to receive an Assist Wireless replacement phone and other valuable tips.
Why do I need to get an Assist Wireless replacement phone?
Many factors may influence your decision to get an Assist Wireless replacement phone. If you have lost or misplaced your Assist Wireless phone, you might choose to replace it. Even better, if your phone is stolen or destroyed, you can get a new one.
Finally, you have the option of replacing your phone every two years. The quality of cell phones is rapidly improving. Current phones have numerous improvements, ranging from a more prominent and crisper screen display to clear cameras and improved performance.
If you desire to take advantage of the benefits of an updated phone, you can exchange it for a newer one at a cost. Finally, if you desire a newer model, you can obtain an Assist Wireless replacement phone.
What can I do if the Assist Wireless phone doesn’t work?
If your Assist Wireless phone stops working, contact the company’s customer service team, describe the situation, and request a replacement. However, you will be responsible for the expense of replacing your phone if it stops working due to physical damage (your fault).
However, if the phone stops working without any physical damage from the user (not your fault), Assist will repair or replace it as part of their one-year warranty guarantee.
What can I do if my phone is lost?
If you misplace or lose your Assist Wireless phone, make an effort to locate it first. You can use the ‘Find My Phone’ Google app to locate your Android phone, the ‘Find My iPhone’ app to locate your iPhone, or dial your number to locate your phone.
If you can’t find it, contact Assist Wireless customer care at 1-855-EZASSIST (1-855-420-2449 or 1-855-392-7747). They’ll put your service on hold to ensure no one else can use your remaining balance.
Is Assist Wireless replacement phone Free?
When you get a new free government phone, it’s possible that it won’t work correctly. The phone carrier will replace the phone at no cost to you in these instances. If you lose, damage, or have your phone stolen; please notify Assist Wireless as soon as possible so that your phone can be disconnected.
You can apply for a new phone online, and they accept credit and debit card payments. To acquire a new phone, you must pay a $25 replacement cost. You can also send a check or money order to the following address:
Assist Wireless Phone Plans
Attention: Phone Replacement
2402 Gravel Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76118
How do I get an Assist Wireless replacement phone?
If you’ve misplaced or lost your Assist Wireless phone, you should first contact the company’s customer service team. Your account will be stopped for a few days, and you will avoid incurring unwanted expenses. You can reach Assist Wireless customer service at 1-855-420-2449, as previously stated.
When you contact them, you will be requested to provide various details for them to confirm your identification. From your phone number to your name, this agent, on the other end, will inquire about a lot of facts.
If your assertion is legit, you will be requested to pay a replacement charge, usually $25. Following that, the provider will assist you in getting a replacement phone. They’ll ship it to you within a few days, and they’ll transfer any remaining money on your account to the new phone. You are also allowed to use your own device in place of theirs.
If your Assist Wireless Lifeline gadget is broken or damaged, you can get a replacement. Lifeline devices can be purchased and used as replacement phones at their retail locations. Ensure to contact Assist Wireless customer support to see if there are any current promotions that you can take advantage of. You are also free to use your own device instead of the one provided.
If the phone is malfunctioning, the phone’s warranty may cover it. Check your phone’s warranty for further information on replacement and repair alternatives. You’re more likely to get a replacement phone if you add a Guard Assure device protection plan.
What is the Assistance Wireless Return/Refund policy?
Within 30 days of receipt, all wireless devices purchased directly from or acquired through Assist Wireless may be returned for a complete refund to the payment source. A subscriber must return the entire handset in the same condition as it was received at activation. Please call Assist Wireless Customer Service at 1-855-392-7747 for further information.
Bottom line
In most cases, Assist Wireless will do everything possible to replace your lost or stolen phone. As previously said, they may replace the phone for you free of charge or charge you a reduced amount of $25 for this service.
If Assist Wireless fails to replace your phone, you can now contact your insurance company and file a phone replacement claim.