NewPhone Wireless is among the leading wireless providers of Lifeline and affordable connectivity program (ACP) services in the US. The company offers wireless services and free cell phones that include NewPhone wireless free iPhone to individuals in need, thanks to the permanent Lifeline government-sponsored program and the temporary ACP program established to assist low-income families and those challenged by the last occurred pandemic.
Most importantly, NewPhone Wireless is proven to be one of the outstanding government providers, and their qualified customers may get both free monthly cellular service and 4G/5G free government smartphones. However, if you receive these benefits, you can stay connected to work, family members, school, and emergency services. NewPhone Wireless is a trusted entity by FCC and is mandated to provide Lifeline and affordable connectivity program (ACP) services.
On the other hand, NewPhone Wireless has accumulated over 1 million customers and has over ten years of experience. Besides, it is committed to offering a free and open Internet. This company offers an excellent customer experience and reasonable network management practices on the NewPhone Wireless broadband Internet access services and devices. Moreover, NewPhone’s cell phone service features nationwide coverage on one of the country’s most reliable networks.
About NewPhone Wireless Free Cell Phone Services
NewPhone Wireless acknowledges the importance of telecommunication and is among the key providers of free phones to customers. This free cell phone services get offered through the ACP and Lifeline program. Thus, ACP and Lifeline are government-funded programs, and NewPhone is among the many providers nationwide, and that’s the reason why NewPhone Wireless provides free cell phone services.
However, the affordable connectivity program (ACP) is an FCC program that focuses on helping households unable to afford internet services following the ongoing last attacked pandemic. Additionally, it is a temporary program that stops when the pandemic ends or when the program funds run out. This benefit targets connecting eligible low-income households to online studies, jobs, loved ones, access to critical healthcare services, etc.
On the other hand, Lifeline is a permanent FCC program that makes communication services more accessible and affordable for low-income consumers. Lifeline offers a discount on monthly cell phone service, broadband internet service, and at times provides even free cell phones.
Qualification for The NewPhone Wireless Free iPhone
Currently, NewPhone Wireless is giving a person or household eligible for NewPhone’s assistance program a free government iPhone if they attain qualification criteria for both ACP or Lifeline Program.
Requirements for ACP Qualification
You qualify for ACP if you meet the below eligibility criteria:
- Income below or at 135% of the Federal Poverty Standards.
- Participated in government assistance programs like Medicaid, SNAP, or Lifeline.
- Acquired a federal Pell Grant in the new award year.
- Household faced with a substantial loss of income resulting from job loss or layoff since February 29, 2020, plus the household accumulated a total income at or below $99,000 for single filers and $198,000 for joint filers in 2020.
- Households received benefits through the free and reduced-price school lunch program or the school breakfast program, specifically through the USDA Community Eligibility Provision, in the 2019-2020, 2020-2021, or 2021-2022 school year.
- Household attains the eligibility criteria for a functional provider’s existing low-income or the pandemic program.
Documents That Needed For The NewPhone Wireless Free iPhone
During the application process for free government cell phones for low income, you may have to avail certain documents that show your identity and prove your eligibility. However, the documents you must have to submit to verify your identity include:
- Driver’s license
- ID
- Passport
- Social security number
- State ID card
- Taxpayer Identification Number (individual) with name and date of birth
The documents you must submit to prove your eligibility include:
- Current income statement
- Free or reduced school meal award letter
- Previous year’s state, federal or Tribal tax return
- A document indicates that you (or any member of your household) received a Pell Grant for the current academic year.
- Federal or Tribal participation notice letter in General assistance (SNAP, Medicaid, etc.)
- Recent Tribal TANF letter or card. Current BIA card
- Unemployment statements
- Veterans Administration statement of benefits
- Tax return in 2019 or 2020
- Other documents confirm that your household income is 135% or less, following the federal poverty guidelines.
- Other documents confirm your participation in an eligible government assistance program.
Notably, ensure only to submit copies of the documents, which can be made through a copy machine, a camera, scanner, or a smartphone, and don’t ever give original documents.
Application For A NewPhone Wireless Free iPhone
Application for the NewPhone Wireless free supported program can be simple through the steps below.
1st Step
You can apply online at NewPhone. You will find two boxes at the page top under the headline ‘Apply for 4G/5G LTE Free Smartphone Now’ asking you to fill in your ZIP code and email address. Then, submit the information required and press ‘Sign up now.’
However, you must provide some information and attach specific documents that prove your ACP or Lifeline eligibility through the application process. The process competes in as little as 5 minutes, and you can apply at the comfort of your home.
2nd Step
Immediately you have applied, all submitted data and proofs will get verified through the government’s National Verifier. Besides, your documents are always safeguarded with lots of confidentiality.
3rd Step
After your application gets approved (provided you are ACP or Lifeline eligible), you will start getting the monthly service discount, and your free iPhone will get delivered to your address. Expect to have the free iPhone within 7-10 business days. And, the shipping is completely free of charge.
Qualification For NewPhone Lifeline Program
NewPhone Wireless customers qualify for free phones for seniors on social security and Lifeline services if they meet specific State and Federal eligibility requirements. The requirements get determined by the state you live in and depend on either program-based or income-based eligibility.
i) Program-Based Eligibility
Program-based eligibility differs by state. NewPhone Wireless customers qualify to get Lifeline discounts through the program-based eligibility if you and the state you reside in participating in one or more of the following programs:
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) or Food Stamps
- Medicaid
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance (BIA)
- Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)
- Head Start (only those households attaining its income qualifying standard)
- Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit
- Tribal TANF
- Food Distribution Program in Indian Reservation (FDPIR)
ii) Income-Based Eligibility
Income-based eligibility also differs by state. Some states do not provide income-based eligibility for Lifeline. However, NewPhone Wireless customers eligible to receive Lifeline, under the income-based eligibility, must have a household income at 135% or less of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. However, you may submit the proof of income documentation to the National Verifier to prove income-based eligibility.
iii) Documents needed for eligibility include:
- Last three months consecutive paystubs
- Last year’s income tax return form (Federal, State, or Tribal tax return)
- Letter from the SSA showing the benefits customer gets per month. A letter cannot be older than 12 months
- IRS Form
- Last year W2 form
- Divorce Decree
- Child Support Award Letter
- Veterans Administration Statement of Benefits
- Retirement/Pension Statement of Benefits
- Unemployment/Workers’ Compensation Statement of Benefits
- Letter from Employer verifying income
- Any other official documents with income information
NewPhone Wireless Bring Your Own Phone Program
NewPhone Wireless accords subscribers the option to bring their own mobile phone or device and enjoy cell phone plans with free phones. This option is available provided the device is compatible with NewPhone Wireless’ services and network through its Bring Your Own Phone Program.
However, suppose you are activating your own phone under the Bring Your Own Phone Program. In that case, you are liable for ensuring that it is compatible with the NewPhone Wireless Lifeline Service, the phone is unlocked, does not interfere with the NewPhone Wireless Service, and adheres with all applicable rules, laws, and regulations.
Besides, to report a lost or stolen NewPhone wireless phone, don’t hesitate to get in touch with NewPhone Wireless’s Customer Service at 1-855-204-3667.
Final Thought
NewPhone Wireless is a telecommunication company participating in free federal lifeline phone service, with headquarters in Louisiana. However, these benefits are free for American citizens who qualify for the NewPhone Wireless Lifeline program and apply to one connection per household.
You can get a free iPhone from NewPhone Wireless if you meet the ACP qualifications or the income-based or program-based eligibility criteria as per Lifeline service. Notably, you must provide eligibility documentation to prove that you are eligible for the free cell phone services.